Phd Industrial Engineering


University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

Mulone Vincenzo

Personal Information

NameVincenzo Mulone

Contact Details

AddressDepartmemnt of Industrial Engineering Rome Tor Vergata University – Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy
Office LocationBuilding of Industrial Engineering, II floor, Room n. 2099
Phone39 06 72597170
Fax39 06 72597158


Native LanguageItalian
Reading skills: excellent
Writing skills: excellent
Verbal skills: excellent


Current PositionAssociate professor of Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems (SSD ING-IND/08, SC 09/C1)
University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Department of Industrial Engineering
EducationMSc. Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2000)
PhD. Energy and Environment Engineering from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (2004)
TeachingFluid Machinery I – 6 CFU (MSc. Mechanical and Energy Engineering)
Fluid Machinery – 4-CFU (BSc. Engineering Sciences)
SCEFR (Energy conversion technologies for renewable sources) 3CFU (MSc. Energy and Mechanical Engineering).
Web PagesResearchgate
Google Scholar

Research Activities

  • Multi/hybrid energy systems for high penetration of renewable sources including storage energy systems.
  • Design of highly efficient hydrogen systems and components including fuel cells and electrolyzers
  • Design of highly efficient systems for biomass pyrolysis, considering integration with other conversion technologies.
  • Design of highly efficient systems for biomass anaerobic digestion, considering integration with other conversion technologies.
  • Design of electric vehicles, including general heat management and specific battery system management
  • Study of optimization schemes for electric/hybrid vehicle fleets, based on model predictive control methods.
  • Design of highly efficient multi-fueled engines, with special regard to the study of the combustion process. Special focus has been given to dual fueling (natural gas and diesel fuel) and hydrogen/natural gas fueling.
  • Design of highly efficient aftertreatment systems, including DPFs, catalysts and SCRs.
  • Design of small scale wind turbines.


  1. Bruni, G; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Rocco, V; Spagnolo, F; ,A study on the energy management in domestic micro-grids based on model predictive control strategies,Energy Conversion and Management,102,,50-58,2015,Pergamon
  2. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; Chan, Edward; ,Partially stratified charge natural gas combustion: A LES numerical analysis,2015,SAE Technical Paper
  3. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; Chan, Edward; ,Partially stratified charge natural gas combustion: the impact of uncertainties on LES modeling,2015,SAE Technical Paper
  4. Cordiner, Stefano; Galeotti, Matteo; Mulone, Vincenzo; Nobile, Matteo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Trip-based SOC management for a plugin hybrid electric vehicle,Applied Energy,164,,891-905,2016,Elsevier
  5. Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Nobile, Matteo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Impact of biodiesel fuel on engine emissions and Aftertreatment System operation,Applied Energy,164,,972-983,2016,Elsevier
  6. Bifaretti, S; Bonaiuto, V; Bruni, G; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Paglia, C; Spagnolo, F; Nguyen, HM; ,Domestic microgrid energy management: Model Predictive Control strategies experimental validation,2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC),2221-2225,2015,IEEE
  7. Bruni, G; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Sinisi, V; Spagnolo, F; ,Energy management in a domestic microgrid by means of model predictive controllers,Energy,108,,119-131,2016,Pergamon
  8. Bartolucci, L; Chan, EC; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Rocco, V; ,Natural gas fueling: A LES based injection and combustion modeling for partially stratified engines,Energy Procedia,82,,417-423,2015,Elsevier
  9. Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Biomass furnace study via 3D numerical modeling,2016,GB
  10. Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Modelli preliminari di funzionamento e invecchiamento di celle al litio,Report RdS/PAR2014/181,2015
  11. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; Chan, Edward; ,Natural Gas Partially Stratified Charge Combustion: Extended Analysis of Experimental Validation and Study of Turbulence Impact on Flame Propagation,2016,SAE Technical Paper
  12. Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Studio su prove di invecchiamento e degrado di celle al litio,Report RdS/PAR2014/180,2015
  13. Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Giordani, A; Savino, M; Tomarchio, G; Malkow, T; Tsotridis, G; Pilenga, A; Karlsen, ML; Jensen, J; ,Fuel cell based Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for off-grid telecom stations: Data analysis from on field demonstration tests,Applied energy,192,508-518,2017,Elsevier
  14. Bartolucci, L; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Rocco, V; ,Natural gas stable combustion under ultra-lean operating conditions in internal combustion engines,Energy Procedia,101,886-892,2016,Elsevier
  15. Bifaretti, S; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Rocco, V; Rossi, JL; Spagnolo, F; ,Grid-connected microgrids to support renewable energy sources penetration,Energy Procedia,105,2910-2915,2017,Elsevier
  16. Luz, Fábio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Anaerobic digestion of liquid fraction coffee grounds at laboratory scale: evaluation of the biogas yield,Energy Procedia,105,1096-1101,2017,Elsevier
  17. Luz, Fabio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Analysis of residual biomass fast pyrolysis at laboratory scale: experimental and numerical evaluation of spent coffee powders energy content,Energy Procedia,105,817-822,2017,Elsevier
  18. Luz, Fábio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Anaerobic digestion of coffee grounds soluble fraction at laboratory scale: Evaluation of the biomethane potential,Applied Energy,207,166-175,2017,Elsevier
  19. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Natural Gas Fueled Engines Modeling under Partial Stratified Charge Operating Conditions,2017,SAE Technical Paper
  20. Cornaro, Cristina; Rossi, Stefania; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Ramazzotti, Luigi; Rinaldi, Zila; ,Energy performance analysis of STILE house at the Solar Decathlon 2015: Lessons learned,Journal of Building Engineering,13,,11-27,2017,Elsevier
  21. Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,BIOMASS FAST PYROLYSIS PROCESS AT LABORATORY SCALE: RESIDENCE TIME AND HEATING UP EVALUATION IN A SHAFTLESS SCREW REACTOR BY MEANS OF A DISCRETE ELEMENT MODEL APPROACH,Proceedings of CHT-17 ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer,,,,2017,Begel House Inc.
  22. Luz, Fabio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Pyrolysis in screw reactors: a 1-D numerical tool,Energy Procedia,126,683-689,2017,Elsevier
  23. Bartolucci, L; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Rocco, V; ,Natural gas partially stratified lean combustion: analysis of the enhancing mechanisms into a constant volume combustion chamber,Fuel,211,737-753,2018,Elsevier
  24. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,LES analysis of the mixing process in a natural gas fueled engine under Partial Stratified Charge operating conditions-comparison against the Constant Volume Combustion Chamber case,Energy Procedia,126,1019-1026,2017,Elsevier
  25. Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; ,Studio numerico-sperimentale di cicli di prova per dispositivi di storage elettrochimico integrati in sistemi ibridi per la generazione da fonti rinnovabili,2016
  26. Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Biomass pyrolysis modeling of systems at laboratory scale with experimental validation,International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow,2018,Emerald Publishing Limited
  27. Bartolucci, L; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; Rocco, V; Rossi, JL; ,Renewable sources integration through the optimization of the load for residential applications.,Energy Procedia,142,2208-2213,2017,Elsevier
  28. Luz, Fábio Codignole; Volpe, Maurizio; Fiori, Luca; Manni, Alessandro; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Spent coffee enhanced biomethane potential via an integrated hydrothermal carbonization-anaerobic digestion process,Bioresource technology,256,102-109,2018,Elsevier
  29. Luz, Fábio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Biochar characteristics and early applications in anaerobic digestion-a review,Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,6,2,2892-2909,2018,Elsevier
  30. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; Rossi, Joao Luis; ,Renewable source penetration and microgrids: Effects of MILP–Based control strategies,Energy,152,,416-426,2018,Pergamon
  31. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; Rossi, Joao Luis; ,Hybrid renewable energy systems for renewable integration in microgrids: Influence of sizing on performance,Energy,152,,744-758,2018,Pergamon
  32. Luz, Fábio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Biomass fast pyrolysis in screw reactors: Prediction of spent coffee grounds bio-oil production through a monodimensional model,Energy conversion and management,168,,98-106,2018,Pergamon
  33. Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,BIOMASS FAST PYROLYSIS IN A SHAFTLESS SCREW REACTOR: RESIDENCE TIME DISTRIBUTION AND HEATING EVALUATION BY MEANS OF A DEM APPROACH,Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal,10,4,,2018,Begel House Inc.
  34. Luz, Fàbio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Biomass fast pyrolysis in a shaftless screw reactor: A 1-D numerical model,Energy,157,,792-805,2018,Pergamon
  35. Luz, Fábio Codignole; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; Braglia, Roberto; Canini, Antonella; ,Ampelodesmos mauritanicus pyrolysis biochar in anaerobic digestion process: Evaluation of the biogas yield,Energy,161,,663-669,2018,Pergamon
  36. Allocca, Luigi; Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Lazzaro, Maurizio; Montanaro, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,ECN Spray G injector: assessment of numerical modeling accuracy,2018,SAE Technical Paper
  37. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Carlucci, Antonio P; Cordiner, Stefano; Ficarella, Antonio; Laforgia, Domenico; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; Strafella, Luciano; ,Dual-fuel injection fundamentals: experimental–numerical analysis into a constant-volume vessel,Energy Procedia,148,18-25,2018,Elsevier
  38. Bartolucci, L; Chan, EC; Cordiner, S; Evans, RL; Mulone, V; ,The Ultra-Lean Partially Stratified Charge Approach to Reducing Emissions in Natural Gas Spark-Ignited Engines,Natural Gas Engines,29-63,2019,”Springer, Singapore”
  39. Srinivasan, Kalyan Kumar; Agarwal, Avinash Kumar; Krishnan, Sundar Rajan; Mulone, Vincenzo; ,Introduction to Advanced Combustion Technologies: The Role of Natural Gas in Future Transportation and Power Generation Systems,Natural Gas Engines,,,1-6,2019,”Springer, Singapore”
  40. Srinivasan, Kalyan Kumar; Agarwal, Avinash Kumar; Krishnan, Sundar Rajan; Mulone, Vincenzo; ,Natural Gas Engines: For Transportation and Power Generation,2018,Springer
  41. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rossi, Joao Luis; ,Hybrid renewable energy systems for household ancillary services,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,107,282-297,2019,Elsevier
  42. Aniello, Andrea; Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Krishnan, Sundar R; Srinivasan, Kalyan K; ,CFD Analysis of Diesel-Methane Dual Fuel Low Temperature Combustion at Low Load and High Methane Substitution,ASME 2018 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference,2018,American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection
  43. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Santarelli, Marina; ,Hybrid renewable energy systems: Influence of short term forecasting on model predictive control performance,Energy,172,,997-1004,2019,Pergamon
  44. Bartolucci, L; Cordiner, S; Mulone, V; ,FCpowered RBS: Data Analysis And System Optimization,Energy Procedia,159,42-47,2019,Elsevier
  45. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Santarelli, Marina; ,Short-therm forecasting method to improve the performance of a model predictive control strategy for a residential hybrid renewable energy system,Energy,2019,Elsevier Ltd
  46. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Pasquale, Stefano; ,Fuel cell based hybrid renewable energy systems for off-grid telecom stations: Data analysis and system optimization,Applied Energy,252,113386,2019,Elsevier
  47. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Santarelli, Marina; ,Ancillary services provided by hybrid residential renewable energy systems through thermal and electrochemical storage systems,Energies,12,12,2429,2019,Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
  48. Šarler, Božidar; Massarotti, Nicola; Nithiarasu, P; Cordiner, Stefano; Manni, Alessandro; Mulone, Vincenzo; Rocco, Vittorio; ,Biomass furnace study via 3D numerical modeling,International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow,2016,Emerald Group Publishing Limited
  49. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Santarelli, Marina; Lombardi, Pio; Arendarski, Bartlomiej; Komarnicki, Przemyslaw; ,MPC-based Electric Energy Storage Sizing for a Net Zero Energy Factory,2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe),1-6,2019,IEEE
  50. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Krishnan, Sundar R; Srinivasan, Kalyan K; ,A Computational Investigation of the Impact of Multiple Injection Strategies on Combustion Efficiency in Diesel-Natural Gas Dual Fuel Low Temperature Combustion Engine,Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference,59346,,V001T03A008,2019,American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  51. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Carlucci, Antonio Paolo; Cordiner, Stefano; Ficarella, Antonio; Mulone, Vincenzo; Quoidbach, Jérémy; Strafella, Luciano; ,Dual-fuel combustion fundamentals: Experimental-numerical analysis into a constant-volume vessel,AIP Conference Proceedings,2191,1,020015,2019,AIP Publishing LLC
  52. Bartolucci, Lorenzo; Cordiner, Stefano; Mulone, Vincenzo; Pasquale, Stefano; Santarelli, Marina; ,Hybrid renewable energy systems: Impact of thermal storage on systems optimal design and performance,AIP Conference Proceedings,2191,1,020016,2019,AIP Publishing LLC
  53. Costa, M; Massarotti, N; Stasi, A; Cirillo, D; Villetta, Ml; Blasio, Gd; Prati, Mv; Costagliola, Ma; Mauro, A; Vanoli, L; ,Innovative plants for distributed poly-generation by residual biomass,”27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, EUBCE 2019″,,,834-848,2019,ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
  54. Benegiamo, Marco; Valletta, Andrea; Carlucci, Antonio; Mulone, Vincenzo; ,Impact of Thermal Management of the Three-Way Catalyst on the Energy Efficiency of a P2 Gasoline FHEV,,,,,2020,SAE Technical Paper
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